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Lice Alert!

We are seeing a lot of lice on livestock every day now. Lice tend to take up residence more in the winter months. Please take a few minutes to part the animals’ hair and look for the adult lice or nits (eggs).

Lice and nits

What might lead you to check your animal for lice?

  • Pale eyes or gums (indicative of anemia because lice SUCK blood)

  • Areas of hair loss on the animal

  • Scratching/Itching sensations

  • Weight loss

  • If you animal is slow moving, he/she will be prone to getting lice

What type of problems can lice cause for my animals?

  • Anemia

  • Weight loss

  • Destruction of fiber

  • Poor hair coats

  • Increased chance of bacterial/fungal infection if the animal scratches enough to get open sores

  • Death

What kind of lice are out there?

Lice are species specific, but are contagious within herds through contact.

  • Biting (bite into the animal)

  • Sucking (suck blood from animal)

How can I treat my animals for lice?

Cattle – Pour-on dewormers, injectable dewormers, many over-the-counter

topical products are available

Goats & Sheep – Injectable Ivermectin dewormers, Frontline for dogs

Alpacas and Llamas – Injectable Ivermectin, Frontline spray

Pigs – Injectable Ivermectin, topical products are available

How can I prevent lice?

  • Quarantine new animals and treat as necessary

  • Continue to monitor after treatment, make sure to dose properly

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